A Day in the Life: Spotify Internship

BeatBrdg Resources – Industry Sector – Licensing

BEATBRDG Music Industry Internships

As a leading global music distribution / streaming platform, Spotify is a great place to intern and high on the list of many BeatBrdg applicants. To get a better understanding of what a typical day for an intern looks like, read on.


Your day will likely start with a cup of coffee or some juice and a quick catch-up with your team leader and colleagues. You’ll check your email, Slack, and other communication channels to see if there are any urgent tasks that need your attention.

Depending on your role, you might be working on a new feature for the app, analyzing user data to identify user engagement trends, or helping to plan an upcoming marketing campaign. You’ll work closely with your team to ensure that you’re on track and that everyone is on the same page


After your morning check-in, you’ll likely have a meeting or two. Spotify is a collaborative environment, and even as an intern you’ll be expected to contribute your ideas and insights to discussions about ongoing projects.

You might attend a brainstorming session, where you’ll work with other members of your team to come up with new ideas for the app, and discuss progress on current developments. Alternatively, you might attend a design review, where you’ll provide feedback on the latest iteration of a new feature.


At Spotify, lunchtime is a great opportunity to catch up with your colleagues and recharge your batteries. You might grab a meal from the onsite café or head out to a nearby restaurant with your team.


In the afternoon, you’ll typically focus on your individual tasks. Depending on your role, you might be coding a new feature, creating wireframes for a new design, or analyzing data to identify user trends. If your role is more user marketing-based, analysing data on engagement, writing copy for upcoming promotions, and tidying up briefs written by the marketing team might be the order of the day.

Throughout the day, you’ll have access to a range of tools and resources to help you get your work done, as well as your team mentor and colleagues.


As the end of the day approaches, you’ll likely have a final catch-up with your team to ensure that everyone is on track and that all tasks are complete. You might also spend some time preparing for tomorrow’s meetings or catching up on any tasks that you didn’t have time to complete during the day.

Once you’ve finished up your work, you’re free to head home or stick around for one of the many events that are held at Spotify. From hackathons to concerts, there’s always something happening at the office after work.

A day in the life of an intern at Spotify is busy, challenging, and rewarding. You’ll get to work on projects that have a real impact on millions of users around the world, and you’ll be surrounded by a diverse team of passionate and talented people who are dedicated to creating the best possible product and service for the Spotify community.

If you’re interested in doing an internship like this, BeatBrdg has great partnerships in London, New York, and Los Angeles that will help you get closer to achieving your music industry internship goals.

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